Courteney Cox to Howard Stern: David Arquette Wants Sex Too Much

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Apparently over-sharing is a common trait in the Cox-Arquette household.

Courteney Cox joined estranged husband David Arquette for a raunchy Thursday radio interview on Howard Stern's Sirius XM show — and shockingly revealed even more about some of the sexual and emotional problems that led to their trial separation.

The Cougar Town actress, 46, didn't flinch when Stern grilled her for details about the instantly-infamous Disney World trip with Arquette — when she shut down his frisky advances.

"It was early in the morning," Cox explained of the incident. (The couple were in the Magic Kingdom with their daughter Coco, 6.) "This is one of our problems in our relationship. Whenever I would need consoling from David, he could not literally put his arm around me for one second without completely getting a boner."

She added: "[He] was never like, 'Oh, I'm so sorry your Dad is dying. Can we f**k?'"

Arquette, 39, interjected: "Come on!"

"No, that's the truth," she countered.

"That time I was good," Arquette said. (Her father, Richard Cox, died of cancer in 2001.)

"Okay, maybe that one time," Cox acquiesced. "So [Disney World] just wasn't the right time and I don't want to confuse the issue. We're going through a hard time."

"He should be able to console you without it having to result in sex," co-host Robin Quivers noted.

"Exactly!" Cox said.

"I'm always ready for [Courteney]," Arquette explained. "I know I'm more in touch with what she needs now…She takes one sort of thing and she clumps it [and says] that's what happens all the time in our relationship. It's not really true."

As the chat progressed, Arquette got even more frank (and despairing) with Cox: "I think you're over it, baby. You just need to admit it and we just need to figure out next steps."

"Wow, that's heavy," she said. "You can't count [Disney World] as the place where you know I'm not into you. I had just woken up. I don't think [sexual attraction] is the issue. The truth of the matter is that we love each other so much. We have such affection for each other but we are very different."

One thing that's not an issue for the pair, who wed in 1999: "We are not fighters," Cox said. "We probably don't get as real as we needed to as we do now. there are a lot of things that David likes to do completely the opposite things I do. I'm a homebody. David…doesn't drink anymore, he's completely sober, but he likes to go out and dance. "

"I don't want to inhibit him in his life," Cox explained. "He really is a very gregarious guy, he's very outgoing. I'm much more of an introvert."

Has Cox had sex since their announced split? "I have not had sex," she insisted.

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She also added that she's not romantically involved with any of her Cougar Town costars (despite speculation about flings with Josh Hopkins and Brian van Holt). "They really don't want to get involved in this mess. These guys actually really like David, and I'm also Executive Producer of the show, it's kind of an awkward thing."

During her sexy-looking St. Bart's getaway with Hopkins, she said, "I was a little surprised, to be honest with you, that I didn't get hit on at all. I think [my costars] like David too much and it's too weird of a situation."
