Stephen Amell Takes Twitter Hiatus After Ahmed Mohamed Tweet Offends

May 2024 · 3 minute read

Sometimes silence is the best remedy. Arrow star Stephen Amell decided to take a break from social media on Wednesday, Sept. 16, after offending many of his 1 million-plus followers with a tweet he made about Muslim student Ahmed Mohamed

“Stereotyping Texas isn't any better than stereotyping Ahmed. Just so we're clear,” he wrote, referencing the state in which 14-year-old Mohamed was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school. 

Followers were upset to see Amell seemingly comparing criticism of the state to the student’s plight. 

“@amellywood love you steph but texas isn't oppressed on a daily basis a few jokes or some "all texans" will never hurt them like ahmed was,” @patchciprianos tweeted. 

Didn't mean to offend anyone. Truthfully. Was simply suggesting that two wrongs don't make a right. I'll go away for a bit now. SA

Posted by Stephen Amell on Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Amell, 34, did not take down his tweet, but later posted a Facebook video, clarifying his comments in a Facebook video. 

“Didn’t mean to offend anyone today,” he said, looking directly into the camera. “Wasn’t trying to equate things that are very, very different. Was simply trying to say that two wrongs don’t make a right. I think I did offend people. I think the best thing to do in these scenarios is to go away for a little bit. So be well, I’ll be back, that’s it.”

The CW star also posted several list points on Twitter, voicing his feelings toward Mohamed and the situation in general. 

1. I can't believe I broke my rule and tweeted about an actual event. Staggering to remember that debates in 140 characters don't work.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

2. What happened to Ahmed was terrible. Obviously.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

3. I happened to read a series of tweets pronouncing that this is a systemic problem in Texas, which is also profiling.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

4. It's profiling in a much less hurtful / destructive way… but it is profiling.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

5. Anywho, I'm not apologizing or deleting the tweets. If you're outraged at an opinion it's because you're bored.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

6. My wife is from Texas, I have extended family in Texas, and I've met thousands of Texans that are wonderful, polite individuals.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

7. This gave me an excellent opportunity to block several employees of a couple companies I don't like. That's exciting.

— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

8. Last thing: Ahmed's White House visit will be an awesome, awesome moment.

Thank You!

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— Stephen Amell (@amellywood) September 16, 2015

Following Mohamed’s arrest, many celebrities, including President Barack Obama and Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg, reached out to the teen, voicing their support. 

"Cool clock, Ahmed. Want to bring it to the White House? We should inspire more kids like you to like science," Obama, 54, tweeted on Sept. 16. "It's what makes America great."
